Monday, May 3, 2010

Spiders are Your Enemy

I'm so behind on updating my blog. I need to apologize to you, the reader. The kind soul that has found their way here. The hero of old whom casts fear to the wind and smiles upon justice. The very person responsible for my fate in an upside down world full of rabid dogs and robots with naughty attitudes.

I think there are a few stories that I need to revisit. You may or may not know (depending on how much of this garbage you read) that I reported Tim Tebow is a cyborg with a canon arm who can't loose football games. Well we know how that went last year. He was drafted to the NFL. Plays for the Donkeys or something.

On the last post I mentioned some angst feelings towards soggy disgusting boiled peanuts. I still hate them. Nothing changed there. However, I would also like to add spiders to that list of stuff that makes me bonkers. Spiders have only one place in this world. And that place is hell.

Kind of dramatic huh?  = ]  I like to make things interesting.

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